Wow Church is Reaching the Nations

As you know Pastor Will is preaching a powerful sermon series on the end times entitled “The King Returns” in which he is sharing the timeline of what will transpire in the Tribulation period. If you want to follow this timeline for yourself please ask and we will send you a free PDF booklet. Jesus also outlines the End Times in Matthew 24. In that chapter He shares with us that a very important event must happen before the end will come. 

”And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.“-Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭14‬ ‭ESV‬‬

You see the spreading, investing, advancement and growth of the Kingdom of God is nestled right in there with the events of the End Times. Jesus told His disciples to “”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”“ Though we are a small town church we have a heart to reach the nations. As a representative of His global church Wow Church is committed to sharing the good news with all. We exist to share the goodness of God with others. 
That is why we partner with Imprint International to see the Kingdom of God move into all areas of the world. Wow Church members Sean and Kim Fliehman head up Imprint which is designed to raise up leaders and disciple the nations to reach more people for Jesus. They recently returned from an awesome mission trip to Armenia and Georgia. Six salvations were confirmed and the Holy Spirit moved in many ways to open more doors for ministry. For more information on this trip please check out 

How to Avoid the Tribulation of the End Times?

For the past two months Pastor Will has been a conductor of  illumination on the often troubling and hard to understand end times events. These events include the joy of the Rapture of the Church, the Jewish Witnesses, the Deception of the Anti-Christ the turbulent Tribulation and the judgement of Jehovah. In all these events we have seen that this earth will not be the devils playground nor will it suffer the terror of the Anti-Christ at their will but these individuals and all others will be subject to the breaking of the Seven Seals in Heaven and the judgment of Christ on a unrepentant world! God is in control now and He will be so in the future!
This will be a time like no other when men will hope even pray for the mountains to fall on them to end their misery as billions of people will perish. How can anyone escape such a terrible time of suffering and death? The one and only hope is to not be there at all! That can only happen by you being caught up to Heaven in the Rapture of the Church. How can that happen?
That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. -Romans 10:9-10 NASB
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important event to ever happen in the history of the world and your decision about that will be the most significant decision you will ever make. People decide things on any given day. They decide to smoke though they know it can kill them. They decide to take up coffee though it tastes bitter from the start. People decide to spend their hard earned money on any number of trivial and bad choices but it’s what they feel like doing. You’re decision about the Easter message will determine not only your eternal location in hell or with a loving Father, but it will give you rights, grace and access to the benefits and blessings of the Father and the plan of goodness He has for your life. Easter isn’t just a cute little holiday we celelbrate in Spring, it’s the message of Hope for all mankind. What will you decide today?
Join us Sunday March 31st at 10:30 for the service, we will be happy to see you. Come expecting to meet people who will love and genuinely care about you and be prepared to not just hear a sermon but to encounter the life changing love of God.
For more reading on these subjects please see the following books: 
“Signs of the Times” by Greg Laurie
“The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel
“Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis

The King Returns

As the two-thousand twenties started the world shifted. This will be a decade remembered and marred by the global pandemic and the social and political outrage and questioning of the vaccine that followed. It has been a decade of racial and gender issues. It has been a decade of ever increasing suspicion of the government and its leaders. War in Ukraine and Israel have yet to relent their hold. The rise of digital implants, crypto currency, new world orders, artificial intelligence and many more are all pointing to and setting the stage for the end of the age. What do we know? Probably less than we like to guess. What do we suspect?t More than we likely have rights to. What can we be sure of? We can be sure of the Word of God. 
Jesus outlines for his followers and is recorded by his disciple Matthew the timeline for the end of the age. This can be found in Matthew 24. For the month of February Pastor Will Duke has been giving us a light but insightful overview of the end times events including the rapture, and the day of the Lord and starting in March he will share on the Anti-Christ. A little hint, the Anti-Christ will not be Donald Trump or Barrack Oboma.
The Christian who has their faith in the grace of Jesus Christ the Hope of Glory need not be afraid of the end times but should be prepared and keep their eyes on the sky. We need to know the Word of God and be ready to give a reason for our faith when questioned. As the wheels of time roll on we need not fear the end of the age but live with hope and expectation for the Lords return as He commanded us to do in the parable of the 10 virgins. The five virgins who had oil and were prepared for the bridegroom were the ones who met him upon his return. Stay filled with the Spirit and share the good news of Jesus with a friend today. Invite them to church! Remember Jesus is coming back again. 

More in 2024

Mount Everest is the tallest and most prominent mountain on the face of the earth. It towers to the cruising height of a 747 aircraft at 29,032 feet. Even its basecamp in Nepal starts at 17,598 feet. Not everyone who starts the accent to the top of Mount Everest makes it. Many have to turn back or have even died on the perilous journey. Much of life and our Christian walk can feel the same way.

We plateau, turn around, give up, settle for “ok,” when the Lord is calling us to the mountain top. We start on the journey with hope, souring emotions and bright aspirations as the Holy Spirit moves us upward. Somewhere along the way the weight of the journey begins to wear on us, or sin distracts us, or the cares of the world; and we stop moving upward. What we were believing God for, our relationship with Jesus and our witness begin to tapper off. Jesus warned of just such things.


Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seeds. 4 As he scattered them across his field, some seeds fell on a footpath, and the birds came and ate them. 5 Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. 6 But the plants soon wilted under the hot sun, and since they didn’t have deep roots, they died. 7 Other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants. 8 Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted! 9 Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”-Matthew 13:3-9 NLT. 


This month Pastor Will has been preaching a series simply entitled “More in 24”. The premise is to do just that to expect more in 2024. Time to get your hopes up again. Time to draw into His love more. Time to brush your witness off and start to share your faith. You see each of you are called and anointed to fulfill what God has put on your heart. Time to get that great faith engine oiled and moving again as we pursue God to greater heights! The mountain is vast, the dangers are real, but we can and do have the victory in Christ Jesus. Let’s trust Him as we sojourn to the summit. 


I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.-Philippians 3:14 KJV

Wow Church Blog

The turkey, stuffing, and pie were all eaten, and the coffee and cider drank. Many people probably shared at least one thing they were thankful for this holiday as they celebrated with friends and family. Afterward, games were played, naps were taken, and football was watched. As lovely as these things are, and we all look forward to them every fourth Thursday in November, they are not the reason for the holiday. The original Thanksgiving celebration was rooted in genuine gratitude for what the Lord had done for those weary but grateful Pilgrims. I hope we can root our lives in a spirit of thanksgiving, the same way as those early settlers who primarily came to this country looking to worship God.
During November, Pastor Will has been leading us through 4 major reasons that the Lord has given us to be thankful.
The Psalmist writes, “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
For the Lord is good;
His mercy is everlasting,
And His truth endures to all generations.”
Enter his gates with thanksgiving. The route into God’s presence, his throne room, is by thanksgiving. Being thankful and humble is the key to getting favor with the King. 
We learned that the Lord is good. Many of us need to be reminded of this simple but profound truth. His mercy is everlasting. Praise God He doesn’t treat you as you deserve. He is the faithful God! You can count on Him to come through for you.
I’m thankful for a church that preaches the Word. Just this week, I received some sad news that discouraged me; yes, even as a Pastor and missionary, I still get discouraged. I was feeling low, and the Holy Spirit reminded me of the message Pastor Will preached, and I began to meditate on the fact that “For the Lord is good.” I would think about that and speak it out loud to myself, even as I was at work and feasted on that bread of life. As the day went on, I began to feel better; I felt encouraged and trusted in God to take care of the situation. I didn’t dwell on the facts; I focused on the truth that God is good. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 
As you finish out this year of 2023, take time to be grateful and thank God for all the promises that He has made and for all His promises that He will continue to do for you.Stop right now and write down four reasons to be thankful unto the Lord. 

Be Thankful 4

The turkey, stuffing, and pie were all eaten, and the coffee and cider drank. Many people probably shared at least one thing they were thankful for this holiday as they celebrated with friends and family. Afterward, games were played, naps were taken, and football was watched. As lovely as these things are, and we all look forward to them every fourth Thursday in November, they are not the reason for the holiday. The original Thanksgiving celebration was rooted in genuine gratitude for what the Lord had done for those weary but grateful Pilgrims. I hope we can root our lives in a spirit of thanksgiving, the same way as those early settlers who primarily came to this country looking to worship God.
During November, Pastor Will has been leading us through 4 major reasons that the Lord has given us to be thankful.
The Psalmist writes, “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
For the Lord is good;
His mercy is everlasting,
And His truth endures to all generations.”
Enter his gates with thanksgiving. The route into God’s presence, his throne room, is by thanksgiving. Being thankful and humble is the key to getting favor with the King. 
We learned that the Lord is good. Many of us need to be reminded of this simple but profound truth. His mercy is everlasting. Praise God He doesn’t treat you as you deserve. He is the faithful God! You can count on Him to come through for you.
I’m thankful for a church that preaches the Word. Just this week, I received some sad news that discouraged me; yes, even as a Pastor and missionary, I still get discouraged. I was feeling low, and the Holy Spirit reminded me of the message Pastor Will preached, and I began to meditate on the fact that “For the Lord is good.” I would think about that and speak it out loud to myself, even as I was at work and feasted on that bread of life. As the day went on, I began to feel better; I felt encouraged and trusted in God to take care of the situation. I didn’t dwell on the facts; I focused on the truth that God is good. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 
As you finish out this year of 2023, take time to be grateful and thank God for all the promises that He has made and for all His promises that He will continue to do for you.
Stop right now and write down four reasons to be thankful unto the Lord.

WOW Connections Spring Newsletter
